Press Releases (PR's) are often the first impression a bookstore will have of your book, so you want to make it a good one!
We offer double-sided, high-quality, heavy cardstock, professional PR's with rounded corners. It costs only $15 for us to design them, ensuring they contain all the pertinent information that bookstores look for.
Remember: these are often the first impression a book buyer will have of your book, so you really want to grab their attention!
Please let us know the number of cards you want to order, whether you also want the envelopes in which to mail them, and what date you want to receive them by. We will send you an invoice reflecting your choices, and place the order as soon as payment is received.
You can get away with using a bookmark as a business card (as it contains your website address through which people can contact you), but it's rather cheesy to try and push your business card as a bookmark, which is why this is such a wonderful option for authors.
Our bookmarks are of the same high-quality, double-sided, heavy cardstock as the press releases. The first time you order them there will be a one-time $15 charge for us to lay them out in a design reflecting your book, but all additional orders after the initial one will only cost you the printing fee plus shipping.